Company Policy

ABConcept and ABProduct are companies active in the design and realization of industrial and commercial projects oriented mainly towards the watchmaking sector but also the fields of jewellery, micromechanics, automotive and aeronautics.

Innovation, excellence and customer satisfaction have been the company's watchwords in all its endeavours since its creation. In order to perpetuate this way of proceeding, this state of mind to our employees and business partners, ABConcept and ABProduct are conscientious and committed company policies.

Since August 2019, ABConcept and ABProduct are members of the Responsible Jewellery Council (RJC). Our involvement in this approach allows us to standardise our commitments through our company policy. The latter applies to all our partners, employees and products in order to exercise a responsible commercial, ethical, social and environmental policy.

Essential to the smooth running and development of their entities, ABConcept and ABProduct undertake to respect the following nine main points:

1 - RJC certification

Working with precious metals or other stones and diamonds, it is imperative for ABConcept and ABProduct to apply for RJC certification. This is synonymous with a company that is involved and conscious of the modern issues concerning these materials.

By adhering to the principles of the RJC policy, ABConcept and ABProduct are committed to certification and total respect for the foundations put forward in the RJC approach.

We are committed to integrating ethical, social, environmental and human rights considerations into our daily operations, planning activities and decision-making processes.

Working with as many RJC certified partners as possible is our goal.

Promoting and adhering our supply chain to RJC best practices is our goal.

Regarding the CoC supply chain, we collaborate and work with RJC CoP and RJC CoC certified entities. The good practices and traceability imposed by RJC are in line with our expectations and corporate values.

Under no circumstances will we source material from CAHRA and fully comply with Annex II of the OECD Duty of Care Guide. This source of supply is contrary to our practices.

A prior assessment of our commercial partners will be carried out and updated every year in order to prevent as far as possible any dubious origins and practices that may arise. In case of doubt, a break in the partnership can be made on the spot.

2 - Human Rights

Man is at the centre of our work.

Respect and fully comply with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the European Convention on Human Rights.

Under no circumstances tolerate abusive, forced or child labour.

Ensure that the respect and fairness of employees is paramount.

Do not tolerate discrimination on grounds of origin, religion, gender, sexual orientation, political opinion, physical appearance, marital status, age or any other form of discrimination.

Provide a working environment free of all forms of harassment.

Refuse trafficking and abuse of human beings.

Make a grievance management mechanism available to employees in the event of conflict or need.

3 - Working conditions in the factory

Optimal working conditions are essential for the development and growth of both our employees and our products. Upgrading to standards and the constant updating of our equipment enables us to offer projects of ever-increasing quality.

To provide a safe working environment in line with the well-being of employees.

To guarantee optimal conditions and a motivating and fulfilling working environment.

Provide safety equipment relating to the protection of the health and physical integrity of employees.

4 - Commitments with our business partners

The good relationship we have with our partners is of major importance.

Respect, ensure and protect the confidentiality of the information communicated and processed on the projects entrusted to us.

Advised by our technical knowledge.

To offer solutions that are as close as possible to the needs of our Clients.

Satisfying our Clients through our involvement.

To innovate with technical solutions to ensure the feasibility of our Clients' projects.

Accompanying projects in a reactive and professional manner.

5 - Business ethics

Fighting poor working conditions, corruption, fraudulent trafficking and the financing of terrorism at our level is our ethical duty.

Refuse all bribes and other forms of corruption and be intransigent to any form of money laundering or terrorist financing.

Exclude any collaboration with companies promoting trafficking in human beings or the employment of children.

6 - Health

Today even more than yesterday, health and hygiene at work are essential. Evolving serenely in a healthy environment, with strict sanitary rules is our daily objective.

To develop our company staff amid a healthy and safe sanitary environment.

Apply and respect the laws put in place by the Swiss parliament concerning COVID-19.

MEmphasise benevolence, physical and mental integrity.

7 - Safety and security

Evolving in a constantly secure industrial environment is a preoccupation. Giving care and trust to our employees is fundamental.

To offer a working environment that is irreproachable in terms of safety standards.

Evolve with a zero-incident company policy.

8 - Waste reduction

In a policy of sustainable development and environmental protection, the sorting and recycling of waste is essential. Our company is committed to promoting recycling as much as possible.

Use fully or partially recyclable resources.

To control, manage, sort and recycle waste in an optimal and responsible manner.

9 - The environment

Respect and preservation of the environment is one of our key points.

Reduce the ecological impact of our company's actions.

Use non-renewable resources at their fair value.

Minimise the use of toxic and/or chemical products.